What a fabulous Sunday at the kennels and such a greyt turnout. Thank you all so much for supporting this social fundraiser, held during our public walking hours, to help towards sponsor hound, Champ’s, vet care costs from his recent injury. Gentle, fawn boy, Champ, (6 years old in October), broke his toe a few days ago and has had to have an x-ray and his foot strapped up and is on a pain relief course. This also means he is on a long rest and recovery period, so he will not be able to participate in his public walks for the time being and is instead enjoying sitting on a duvet in our front paddock during walking hours, supervising proceedings!
WGW volunteers, Sharon Lucy Wells and Rita Forsyth, alongside ‘Sanctuary Coifee’ pioneers, Marcus and Rhian (& former Hersham Hound, Dionne) provided refreshments and Claire Zambanini and her daughter, Thea, ran our WGW Shop Stall. WGW hound owner and photographer, Holly Keane, took some super hound photos and everyone helped to make it a successful day in aid of darling Champ.
A huge thank you to you all. We are truly blessed with a wonderfully kind greyhound community and a total of £562.00 (including 4 online donations) has been raised towards Champ’s vet treatment.