A record breaking total raised at the WGW “Switch on the Christmas Lights” event

Thanks to all our fabulous supporters and volunteers for making this event such a success. A magnificent £3, 031 was raised (incl shop), for our Hersham Hounds at the weekend.

Thanks to great teamwork and sheer hard work by all our stallholders and the constancy of our supporters who came along to help out or buy our goods on sale.

We couldn’t do what we do at WGW without you and we all have one common aim – to look after and care for – and about – the Hersham Hounds.

A special thank you to all the lovely Caff team, (Sharon, Julia, Anneka) Phylly at Greytcoats (with an additional donation to WGW from coats made throughout the year), other stallholders, Victoria & David (thank you for PA management, David), Julie, Linda & Linda, Bea & Georgia, Debbie & Chris, Bob & Paula, Lesley, Christine, Laura, Sheree & Sharon & Becky (Templespa) & Marina and Petra for helping me set everything up on the day. Special thanks to Viv & Charlotte for looking after the hounds and guests in a busy yard & helping distribute mulled wine & mince pies.

All in all, a fabulous day for the WGW kennels and Hounds we all love.

A huge thank you to you all for making this Christmas event so very special.

Carol xxx