Ealing M&G today. I have a lot of people to thank for yet again, making this very festive fundraiser as much fun as it is and always has been, so here goes😁
Today was a first for a fast building Ealing Empire of greys. A HUGE Thank you all. Your dogs were amazing for in most cases, their 1st event. Don’t stop now!! Keep attending all that you can attend. The charity needs you👍
The new dogs on the block today were?
Cash aka Capt Shouty Pants…. he didn’t fail to impress 😂
Stanley….a brindle babe💘
Black Romeo….stole a lorra hearts in his santa outfit….inc that of a chihuahua🤣
Bernie…..beloved Bernie is still a hench dude😍😍
Jackie….like the First Lady in looks, and boy is she one classy girl💖
BUT the winners for today were Paul and April…..signed for at 10am this morning, out by lunchtime meeting and greeting! 🤣
To Andy for always getting our story out there on social media. We’d be lost without him.
To Allison for all the duvets 😁
To Julie, Nick, Jenny, James, Lee Anne and Amber for subjecting themselves & their hounds to yet another early start at yet another venue. My thanks as always. You all make me laugh even when my face is frozen solid from cold😁
To Richard and Emily (Bernie’s owners) for the huge donation again of £100!
To Lynn and Pete who couldnt make it for their £50! Thank you all so much😍
It was fun….let’s do it all again next Xmas🎅 x
Lastly, i will make special mention of Bea and Ollie, the new slaves to Paul and April.
You are why we do this.😁. Enjoy your first Xmas, you’ve just doubled your family in a day💖
Oh, forgot….we raised £442 and we will receive half of the raffle takings as we’ve done in the past thanks to the kindness of Ken and Barrie, the Market organisers 😁