Ace – Born October 2015


Handsome Ace may be the happiest hound on earth! When I arrived at the kennels to pick him up for his first trip to Painshill, his tail did a convincing impression of a helicopter and didn’t stop the whole time we were out – he knew something fun was happening and he was absolutely delighted. He settled into my car and was a very quiet passenger for the whole journey. 

We didn’t meet many other breeds but he was pretty good with all of those that we did. It was the ducks that caused him the most excitement – he just couldn’t understand why they were swimming away from him. He walked nicely with the other greyhounds we were out with and loved any attention given to him by people we met. 

One of the ladies on the ticket desk at Painshill looked at him and said “oh, you look like fun!” 

Everything is new to this youngster and he is looking forward to exploring the outside world a bit more.