Ways to help
Walking the greyhounds
As and when you can, no need to make a regular commitment .
We are open every day between 11am—2pm.
More details.
Offering your services
Do you have a skill, a trade, or an area of expertise that we can use? Or do you have contacts or connections related to your business who, one day, may be the very person we are looking for to supply us with a product/service?
Don’t be bashful, put your name on our register so that we can find you if we need to.
Helping out at an event
Be it a meet and greet, an event here at the kennels, or an organised dog walk. News of upcoming events is published in our newsletters, on our Events Page and at the kennels.
Keep an eye on what’s happening and contact the event organiser to see if you can help. There are some events where we have to limit the number or greyhounds and helpers, or because of the nature of the event we have to be very specific about which greyhounds are suitable.
So please don’t be offended if we decline your offer of help for a particular event.
Manual Labour
Yes folks, every now and then we do need an extra pair of hands at the kennels to help with cleaning, tidying and painting. So if you’re up for a day of hard work and don’t mind what you do then get yourself booked in for a day at the kennels.
We are always looking for extra help during March/April when we give the kennels a spring clean and a new coat of paint in preparation for our birthday celebrations.
It’s hard work but very satisfying to see the kennels looking their best.