A message from our kennels manager:
Thank you very much to everyone who responded to yesterday’s emergency bedding appeal. We have been overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness and our storage is now bursting at the seams (in a good way!) We now find ourselves in the fortunate position of having to ask that if you still have donations to bring in would you mind hanging on to them until we have freed up more storage space!
Special thanks to everyone who has helped this morning including Geoff and Kym who have spent the day sorting all the donations and putting them away to avoid staff and hounds being buried under a textile mountain!
Thanks also to Clair and Thea for running the shop and meeting everyone with donations
On behalf of the Trustees, I would like to say a big thank you to all our wonderful staff, volunteers and supporters who have worked tirelessly to overcome this flooding and to replace the ruined bedding. Your generosity is overwhelming and quite humbling.
We are now looking at installing a temporary flood barrier that can be put across the gate in heavy rainfall which would at least significantly reduce the flow of any future flooding into the yard and kennels and hopefully prevent the amount of damage caused by significant rainfall in the future. We will also look at other options of installing some sort of barrier along the length of the building to hold back water.

If there is anyone amongst our supporters who may have experience or expertise in advising on flood prevention works, could I ask you to contact Carol at the kennels.
Once again, many thanks.
Chair of Trustees