Richmond Fair raises £1120 – Thank You

It was so lovely to be back at Richmond Fair today after 3 years and celebrating 50 years of this busy annual event, with our WGW shop stall and hound gazebo. Thank you so much to the good people of Richmond and the Fair organisers for their support for our homeless hounds.We raised an amazing £1,120.27 (including shop sales).

People loved tto see the hounds back – and their humans – and we were blessed to have a succession of hardworking supporters & hounds – who all did a great job. Homeless hounds, Polly and Mabel, were brilliant, as were all the lovely homed hounds who supported the day. Whether selecting & packing the shop items & all the gear, helping set up the stall, transporting the stall equipment; running the shop or just showing the love for your hound to members of the public – everyone s help was truly very much appreciated and the total raised is all down to each and every one of you.

Thank you so much for your support by makng lhe effort to join us and help make the day such a success for WGW and all our adorable homeless hounds.

Carol x