Elvis foster report day one
Hello everyone!! I am on a foster holiday until Friday and so far I have been very good!
I got in the car yesterday very well!! I did good travelling howevers when i arrived at the house I decided I could not get out of the car so I had to be carried which made some passers by laugh ( I think they were wishing that they too would get carried out of their car). I did big sniffing in the garden and then some big sniffing in the house. Then I did lots and lots and lots of playing with toys!! I love toys especially hedgehog!
Then I did a big sleepy. Then woke up and played with more toys and had my dinner! I has been perfect at going to the toilet outside! Alsos i slept all the way through the night from 9pm-6am when I was rudely woken up to go on a nice quiet walk
Now I is having another nap! Catch you tomorrow – Elvis