A heart warming Christmas for Hope

As Christmas fast approaches, we thought you would enjoy this photo story of ‘Hope’.
For those of you not familiar with her story, ‘Hope’ was a female lurcher pup abandoned at our kennels on the last day of September during our ‘Thank you to all our Supporters’ Party’. She was extremely emaciated and was clearly on the brink of death.
Thanks to the kindness and generosity of spirit of our wonderful sighthound community, the cost of ‘Hope’s subsequent intensive veterinary care bill, given the diagnosis of the killer disease, Parvo, was thankfully able to be met, following our public fundraiser plea. Against all odds, when things were not looking good for her, Hope suddenly turned a corner in her battle for life and has now made a full recovery.
WGW’s Senior Kennel Assistant, Megan, Assistant wanted to see if Hope would get on with her cat, ‘Peaches’ and her very nervous bull lurcher, ‘Beau’, (himself rescued from being put to sleep in the pound some 6 months or so ago), who craved a doggy playmate.
As you can see for yourself from the photo story, a picture speaks a thousand words. ‘Hope’ has now got the happy ever after she so deserved.
Thank you to Megan and each and every one of you for your help, support and kindness in playing your part in helping us to help ‘Hope’.
All our love and best wishes of the season to you all.
Carol xx