Sunday, June 5th – Hersham Party Invite for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Date: Sunday, 5th June

Time: 12pm -4pm

Place: Vauxmead, Burwood Road (opposite the local St Peter’s Church)

The local vicar has kindly invited our greyhounds to the big one-off Platinum Picnic and Party at Vauxmead on the afternoon of Sunday 5th June. Thank you to WGW volunteer, Linda Simmons for liaising with the vicar on our invitation. (There will be a thanksgiving service at 11am at St Peters Church in honour of Her Majesty, the Queen, before the Community Celebration starts at Vauxmead at noon).

At Vauxmead, we will have a table with some information to promote WGW and the hounds are invited to meet with the local community.

If you are interested in taking along your homed hound or a suitable kennel hound to Vauxmead, to show greyhounds make great pets and to meet other members of the local community, please contact Carol direct at the kennels on 01932 251894.

Your hound/s will need to be comfortable in a crowd and around other breeds, children, music & a PA system.

Hope you can join us and help make this a successful and fun special event