Our annual trip to the beach this weekend at West Wittering with the homeless hounds – and homed hounds – was a greyt success after 3 years being missed due to Covid, the Queen’s passing and extreme heat.This year the sun shone, the water was shallow and everyone, hound and human, embraced the day and had a ball! A magnificent £766.38 donations total was also raised, including £64.26 from the SSWG’s PayPal.
Hound owners came out in force and kind volunteers ferried the homeless hounds in their cars, taking along a tasty doggy picnic too. Huge thanks to our amazing supporters: Alan Tiller for stepping in for me to carry (& set up) the gazebo, and other kit, ss well as taking along bouncy homeless hound, Grace, and Laura Fewell who kindly led the beach walk, and promoted the event to the Surrey Sighthound Walking Group she spearheads. And special thanks to all those who helped in any way (Jenny & Nick Perry, Sharon Wells, Holly Keane) & those of you who generously made the time to meet us there or bring a hound along.
The hounds were a shining example and thoroughly enjoyed themselves – even braving a paddle in the sea too. I sadly couldn’t make it this year due to homing commitments that guaranteed 2 hounds a home, but I was bowled over by the enthusiasm and sheer joy of those who went along and supported this wonderful annual event. Looking forward to doing it all again next year. Big thanks to our very own Bea and Megan who worked tirelessly, helping get the hounds out in good time and when back for their last feed & paddock. Thank you all for a fabulous weekend and hope you are all revitalised and have a good week ahead.
Carol xx