Kempton Park Raises £894 for WGW

A big thank you to everyone who helped out at Kempton Park Community Day and raised £894 for Wimbledon Greyhound Welfare.

We had a greyt day this weekend, courtesy of Kempton Park Racecourse team, despite the rain, and were able to show what fabulous pets greyhounds make and also raise a fabulous £894.00, including shop sales, for the homeless hounds we care for. We met some lovely people and even presented an award to one of the winning horse trainers and were interviewed to promote what we do.

We are especially grateful to all the hounds who came along to support the day and of course to the humans they brought with them! Thank you to Gaynor Renwick for arranging the day with the wonderful folk at Kempton Park Racecourse. Special thanks on behalf of Gaynor and myself to dedicated volunteers, Sharon Wells and |Julia Renfree for packing up the shop and to Alan Tiller for transporting all the equipment to and from the kennels. We are also grateful to Sharon & Rita for running the WGW Shop Stall and to all the hound owners and volunteers who brought their hounds to meet and greet the visiting public. and showcase the hounds and what we at Hersham Hounds do.

We appreciate the support of the public at Kempton, as well as the wonderful staff,who helped make the day so worthwhile. Thank you all for making it such a fun day

Carol x