Help!! – Hersham’s paddocks have fallen victim to storm Ciara!!
As well as closing parks, upsetting transport and blowing trampolines all over the place, sadly Ciara has damaged a lot of the older panels surrounding the hound’s paddocks.
Many donated last year to Laura Hall’s appeal to replace damaged panels then. The panels replaced last year are all still standing strong and that appeal also enabled some spare panels to be bought. Those spare panels were used by the staff on Sunday and Monday to replace most of the latest ones to blow down, however with 6 large paddocks there are still a lot that are hanging on by a thread and more strong storms forecast this week.
You can donate here – please choose custom amount and write ‘fence fund’ in the comments so we can track the amount! Thank you for any amount you can spare!
Rest assured that Carol has negotiated a very reasonable rate from a local business who supports the kennels