An update on Hope

The dear little lurcher, Hope, abandoned at the Kennels and so named because we were all willing her on to fight the deadly Parvovirus, diagnosed at the weekend at the emergency vets (North Surrey/Molesey Vets), has finally turned a corner.

She has started to eat solid food, all be it in small amounts, but enough to reassure the vets that she no longer needs emergency care and would now be best looked after at the kennels, to encourage regular bland feeds of ID gastro intestinal food and chicken to revive her appetite and help her start to overcome the drastic weight loss she suffered before she was left on our doorstep.

And so, this afternoon, we were able to bring ‘Hope’ back to the kennels, to help her start her journey to recover and regain her proper weight. When she came out of the isolation room at the vets, her tail was wagging happily and she looked so pleased to be going for a car ride! Such a contrast to the sad, hunched up apathetic hound that was dropped in to the vets last weekend.

‘Hope’ will still be in isolation with us for 3 weeks and is on 4 lots of medication twice daily. We are also following a strict handling management protocol, for her own and for our other hounds’ sake. But, this is now expected to be the start of her recovery proper.

Progress may be slow but she is a determined little girl who is already showing signs she may be a bit cheeky and spirited which has so far stood her in good stead.

We are overwhelmed by the donations that we are receiving to help us cover the cost of her essential veterinary care. We cannot thank you all enough for the kindness and support you have shown, in helping us to help this lovely little lady who has fought valiantly for that chance of life.

We are also grateful to North Surrey/ Molesey Vets for their dedicated care and treatment of this poor little hound.

Let’s all wish ‘Hope’ well for a good recovery. We will, of course, continue to keep you all posted.

Carol xx