Jedi – Born November 2015

New boy Jedi (Jed to his friends) had his first trip to Painshill today and was the perfect walking companion. Jed has only been at the kennels for a couple of weeks and has already become a firm favourite with regular walkers because of his sunny, easy going, happy character so we decided to take him to Painshill today to see how he got on.

🚘 Jed is the perfect passenger in the car. He happily jumped in and settled down straight away.

🐶 We met lots of other dogs on our walk today and Jed totally ignored them. We were with 4 *ahem* quite reactive hounds (mentioning no names 🤫) who created quite a stir every time we encountered another dog but Jed just walked calmly past and didn’t join in with the fuss. We even walked very closely alongside a small white fluffy – Jed just greeted him by sniffing his bum then carried on.

☀️ Jed has a really sunny nature – he was so happy to be out and about, totally relaxed and just enjoyed the important business of sniffing all the interesting smells.

😇 Jed is a total angel and extremely handsome to boot (check out those soulful eyes!) I can’t imagine he’ll be with us for long so, if he sounds like your kind of guy, I suggest you hurry up and ask to meet him!