Aria – Born September 2020

Aria had a foster stay – here is her story.

No jumping into the car for this little lady, oh no, I’ll let the driver lift me in. However, once in the car she settled down straight away for the 30 minute drive back to ours.

As soon as we were home she jumped out of the car and sauntered off into our home and into the back garden for a good old sniff. Next on the list was to introduce her to our pet rats. Whilst on her harness, she got up very close to the cage but the urge was too great for her and probably looked like a tasty snack…or 5. NOTE… homes with rodents for this little lady. Problem solved – move the rats upstairs (out of sight, out of mind). Uh oh, within 2 hours she had sussed the stairs too.

Aside from the rodent situation, this smart little lady soon settled on her bed before discovering the sofa and how comfy it was. Why use the bed when the sofa is where the humans sit and I can get a fuss?

Aria - Born September 2020
Aria – Born September 2020

Aria is a very affectionate and loving grey. In fact, I’ve never known one to love being around people so much. She is great with kids of all ages it seems – from my 3 year old great-niece to my teenage kids – as long as she gets a fuss she doesn’t mind who gives it.

I work from home and the plan was that Aria could come upstairs to my office and be with me when she wanted to. Unfortunately, that is the same room that we re-located the rats to so that plan went out of the window. She was more than happy to stay downstairs on her own for a couple of hours before she wanted company and started crying to let me know. With a bit of perseverance she could possibly go longer because at night time you didn’t hear a peep out of her.

She slept downstairs in the living room during the week and not once did she have an accident. She would go for her final walk at around 7pm and then out in the garden before I went to bed at 11 and then her morning walk was about 7.30am.

Food wise, she LOVES it and if you leave anything on the side it will be gone. But over the week she was getting better at trying to resist temptation if we had forgotten to put something away. At dinner time we ate at the dining table and she soon learnt not to beg and resorted to laying on the sofa looking at the food longingly.

No noises seem to startle her, not even my husband starting up his Harley Davidson – though I didn’t try her with the hoover.

On walks nothing seemed to faze her. She loves having a nose at everything and walks in a zig zag. Plenty of runners and cyclists were on one of the evening walks and they didn’t seem to bother her at all.

Overall, Aria is an amazing girl and if anyone looks into those beautiful brown eyes they will easily fall for her. We did and, if it wasn’t for the fact that I discovered I was allergic to brindles, and the kids were more settled into their school/college routines then we would have re-homed her.