Kobe – 12th October 2014 – 7th September 2019

Kobe was a great first dog for anyone, and for us he was perfect.  From his first weekend visits, through all the wonderful year-and-a-bit he was with us, he was a key part of the family.  It was his special, gentle way that made even ‘non-dog people’ fall in love with him, as it combined with his hilarious outbursts of mad energy to make him an entertaining yet easygoing bundle of joy- tall, dark, handsome and kind. What a guy!

In Memory - Kobe

At first, Kobe was a complete wimp, quivering as Chihuahuas and other tiny dogs yapped or walked past.  He soon became used to other breeds, and was fantastic off the lead.  We loved to just stand watch him run as he had such incredible grace.  He was very forgiving with our two children, and loved to play ‘schools’ with our daughter, mainly as it involved lying down amongst a lot of cuddly toys- two of his favourite things!

Because of Sharon’s walks, he spent lots of time socialising with other dogs and loved going out with her.  He fitted in to the family routine really well, sleeping when we were at work and enjoying his walks with us around the edges of our weekdays.  At the weekends, we loved to take him out for longer walks and he had terrific stamina- going for entire days around National Trust places etc.  Kobe also experienced some family holidays and got into camping (with a lot of extra blankets at night time!)  He even travelled ‘overseas’ to the Isle of Wight, although he couldn’t handle the stairs on the ferry and had to be carried up them.  While being carried, he kept himself very stiff and made everyone laugh by looking so awkwardly straight ahead as if it wasn’t happening- he was a very elegant boy so was right to think that being carried was beneath his dignity!

In Memory - Kobe

It was the most shocking and awful news when, after several seizures over two days, an MRI scan showed that Kobe had a large brain tumour.  We had only had him for a year, he was only four, and we loved him so much.  Thanks to brilliant veterinary care and the advice of Sharon, we were able to keep him with us for two wonderful months from that point, fit-free and a lot like his usual self most days.  We had a lot of lovely walks and cuddles and got to adjust to the fact that he wouldn’t be with us as the kids grew up, as we had expected.  We were lucky that his last morning was a Saturday so we could make sure he didn’t suffer.  

Despite what happened, we are so thankful to have had Kobe as our dog; he was the most wonderful boy and brought us so much happiness and togetherness as a family.  Life really isn’t the same without his gorgeous face looking up at us as we come into the room, hopeful for a snack or a stroke.  

Thank you to Carol, Sharon and all the kennel helpers, and most of all thank you Kobe – you were a dog in a million!