We care for approximately 60 greyhounds at our kennels in Hersham, and the majority of these are gifted into us by their owners or trainers once their racing days are over so that they have the opportunity to experience life as a family pet. We actively promote the fact that greyhounds make wonderful pets and adapt to life after racing very well. Meet some of the stars of the show below. 

If you are interested in homing or fostering a greyhound then please ring the kennels on 01932 251894 between 10am and 3pm and ask to speak to the kennel manager Carol. She will be able to discuss your situation in more detail and take you through the homing process including home visit details and adoption costs.

Please note – kennel hounds are required to wear muzzles on walks. In some videos,  the muzzle is temporarily removed for filming.

Hounds looking for their forever homes

Reserved Hounds